Death by a thousand browser tabs

There is a torture technique called “Lingchi“, also known as “Death by a thousand cuts”. The victim will die a slow and painful dead by the many cuts in all parts of the body. This is what happens when you keep all your browser tabs open to “read them later”. By having all these tabs […]

DuckDuckGo as default search engine

Anyone trying to get away from Google, can start easily by using DuckDuckGo as his default search engine. Why another search engine? That’s pretty simple: No company needs to keep track of your details to find out more about you. DuckDuckGo is a good example of a profitable company that also advertises without wanting to […]

DuckDuckGo as default search engine

Anyone trying to get away from Google, can start easily by using DuckDuckGo as his default search engine. Why another search engine? That’s pretty simple: No company needs to keep track of your details to find out more about you. DuckDuckGo is a good example of a profitable company that also advertises without wanting to […]